Church ministries


Altar Guild
Forms for sign up and reserving dates for the year 2022 are posted in the Fellowship Hall. Please reserve your special dates as soon as possible. You may leave a check in the office or select as date and mail it to the church. Sponsorships for Altar Flowers are $50 and Aumbry Candles are $ 10. If you mail a check to the office, please address the check to Trinity Church Alar Guild and include the date and occasion you wish to remember. Sponsorship for flowers or candles can be to honor birthdays or anniversaries, given in memory of a deceased loved one, or give in celebration for a love one in your life. Our congregation is honored that you allow us to grieve, remember, and celebrate with you as members of your church family.
Lynn Noble and Dencie Lambdin

Christian Education
For many people, the Bible is strange and unfamiliar territory, impossible to navigate without a certain kind of knowledge and skill. We can lead readers through the practical difficulties of reading the Bible, offering advice that is true to the way Anglicans have read Scripture from the time of Tyndale and Cranmer.
We will explain why the Bible looks the way it does, the theology that lies be-hind the many different versions and translations, how to deal with the notes and cross-references, and the practical tools needed for studying the Bible. Above all he teaches the importance of approaching the Bible with respect―a book with a long history, complex traditions, and diverse authorship, which must be read on its own terms. Ferlo identifies the ground rules of reading Scripture for Anglicans, noting the particular ways Anglicans have read the Bi-ble for revelation, insight, and ethical directives, and suggesting that Scripture itself contains many clues for unlocking its own mysteries.

Coffee Hour
Sunday Morning Coffee after 10:00 am service. All are welcome to come socialize and enjoy coffee and snacks.

Join us each fourth Thursday at 5:30 pm for Wine and Cheese, hosted by a different parishoner each month. We also welcome all to our Lunch Bunch at the Pinecrest Country Club after service the last Sunday of each month.
Check upcoming events each month for additional details.

Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Members of the parish serve the church as Lay Readers in the reading of the lessons each Sunday and in speaking the Prayers of the People. Those liscensed by the Bishop may also serve as Lay Eucharistic Ministers, assisting the priest with the chalice during weekly communion. Please contact Stan Knick if you are interested in serving in either role.

Our choir meets each Wednesday for rehearsal at 7 pm from September through May. They sing each Sunday at the 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, and at all special services throughout the church year. Our Organist and Choirmaster, Dr. Mark Andersen, is always pleased to receive inquiries about membership in the choir. Please email him at or write to him in care of Trinity Church.

We have a Nursery room, where someone can watch and care for your children during our church services.

Pastoral Care
Providing Pastoral Care will depend on communication from the parish coming into the church office. Let us know of the situation and circumstances, and please let us know about parish concerns in a timely manner.
Focus areas for pastoral care:
Providing visits, cards/emails or calls to those who may be socially isolated, preparing bulletin boards that would provide current parish events and activities, and serving as point of contact for parish bereavement.
With clergy, serve as point of contact for Parish Care-line to inform parishioners of illnesses, deaths, and situations of concern involving other parishioners, posting Pastoral Care membership to enable quick response to parish needs, serving as Greeters for Sunday visitors, and providing follow -up contact with visitors.
- Visiting the sick
- Holy Communion for the homebound
- Prayer requests
- Preparing meals
- Providing transportation

Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). The Episcopal Church views stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity.
Here at Trinity our faith community strives to reach these goals of responsible stewardship daily with financial gifts as well as the donation of time and talent. Please contact the church office for more information on how you can make a difference.